Projector Active Waiting Course

As Projectors, our strategy of Waiting for the invitation can cause a lot of confusion, disempowerment and passivity in ourselves. One may perceive it as inaction, lack of control and power. 

Like well, come on, seriously? I must wait around and do nothing? Does that mean I should just wait to be handled for that job rather than searching for it just like normal people do? Should I not make the first move if I am interested in him/her?

This course is curated to revolutionize the role of waiting and how you perceive waiting in your life as a Projector. 

It is designed to support you in your strategy of Waiting for the Invitation as a Projector, encouraging you to feel fortified in your S & A while holding a deepened sense of self-trust and confidence in your Projector's easeful magnetism and receptivity states.

This course is completely self-paced and everyone enrolled will have lifetime access to it. Upon purchase, you will have immediate access to the course. 

It is recommended to give yourself a minimum of 1 week to go through with the course and sufficient time in between for contemplation and experimentation.

This course is also taught live in The Projector Remembrance program — a powerful, small group and deeply intimate 12-week group mentorship container.

Topics included:

♡ The Art of Active Waiting

♡ The 10 Active Waiting Hacks


♡ Projector Active Waiting Course and Handbook 

♡ access to a private course platform with personal log in and password

What will you learn:

♡ Mastering the dance between waiting and invitations

♡ Learning to co-create with the Universe

♡ Getting clarity with your personal Projector Success

♡ Healing the Projector wounding behind being seen

♡ Powerful neuroplasticity work that targets your subconscious

♡ Cultivating Projector inner confidence

♡ Redefining what mastery is for you

♡ Bridging opportunities and more...

Important Information:

  • A kind disclaimer and note on respect/honor: I ask that you do not share or forward this guide to anyone else.

  • No part of this course and handbook may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission and shared with others. 

  • Each purchase is valid per Projector. If you feel called to share this course, please direct others directly to my site and work instead.
  • 01Customer
  • 02Payment

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Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($320.00)$320.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (2 x $160.00)2x $160.00
  • Total payment
  • 1xProjector Active Waiting Course$0

All prices in USD

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!
